Learn everything you’ve ever wanted to know about indie horror filmmaking but were afraid to ask. Seriously. A PANEL TO DIE FOR features a host of horror industry insiders laying bare the often hidden truths of the business. Learn how much a film can make, how to pick the most sellable subject matter and most importantly what you should never ever do. If there’s only one panel you should see before making your next movie it’s this. Come with business cards and lots of questions.
The panel includes acclaimed Writer/Director Rodney Ascher (ROOM 237), Producer Ed Polgardy (GHOSTMAKER), Distributor Vince D’Amato (DARKSIDE RELEASING), Aggregator Nadav Streett (RISING SUN MEDIA, INC), Writer/Director Rolfe Kanefsky (PARTY BUS TO HELL), Indie Director Jason Rutherford (SHHHH), Marketing Consultant Matt Chassin, Distributor Erik Lundmark (LEOMARK STUDIOS), Producer Lotti Knowles (CHASTITY BITES), and is moderated by Writer/Producer Mike Davis (PRESIDENT WOLFMAN) for 2 hours of career-changing knowledge. We kid you not.
Tickets are FREE on a first come first served basis and will be available on the door and online. But we advise reserving your ticket online (tickets will be held till only 15 minutes prior to each event).